For most people, going online is a normal way of life. The internet can help you conduct meetings, make new relationships and perform other functions. On the other hand, some people have used the internet as a means of escape, thus resulting in addiction.
Some people also use the internet to engage in risky behavior which is detrimental to any aspect of their health. And the sad part is, there are many addicted internet users who are unaware of what they are battling with.
Below are signs that tells you someone is addicted:
Bad priority skills
If you see someone who takes the internet importantly than other aspects of their lives, it is possible they are addicted. You can confirm this if you discover the person has started losing interest in other areas of their lives.
At that point, other things would come secondary because what primarily matters to them is the internet.

Mood modification
If an individual uses the internet to fix up his or her mood, there is an addiction in play. This means it would be nearly impossible for an individual or activity in reality to help them feel better.
Anytime they feel anxious, depressed and the likes, they come to the internet to feel better.
Denial and Minimization
People who are addicted to the internet do not like talking about how much time they spend on the internet. They would rather lie than say the truth because they know you would complain.
Similarly, these set of people would hide from you when they want to use the internet. They know they can be so engrossed in it, and it would certainly piss you off.
Withdrawal symptoms
If someone who is addicted to the internet is taken off the internet for a while, they begin to exhibit nasty behaviors called withdrawal symptoms. However, if they get access to the internet by any means, they are restored to normalcy.
If you know anyone who is exhibiting signs of internet addiction, it is advisable to seek help for them before it gets worse.